2024 Week 1 Newsletter - Term 3
From the Principal - What is your passion?
From Our APRE
Celebrating Catholic Education Week and the Feast of Joachim and St Anne
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Date Claimers
Position Vacant - Parish Administration Officer
Caulfield Sponsorship Opportunities
Have you downloaded our new App yet?
An Opportunity for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Swap It News for You
2025 Prep Enrolments
2024 School Priorities
Wearitto Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Student Absentee Line
St Joseph's Cathedral Appeal
Caulfield 2023 Sponsors
From the Principal - What is your passion?
Dear families
Welcome to Term Three and what a great start our children have had. There was a real energy in the school as our week began and some great learning is in store this term, I am sure.
Don’t forget to download the Parent Orbit App if you have not done so already. It really is the easiest way to access Parent Lounge, our School Calendar, update your children’s details, give permission for Events and notify us of absences. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need help setting up the App or using its features.
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
- Oprah Winfrey
I love the theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week - Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud.
Fire suggests energy, life, power and so much more. It suggests PASSION which is a word that has been standing out to me lately.
I have been reading a great book by James Clear called Atomic Habits. What has really struck me is that our goals need to be aligned with who we are and who we want to be. It needs to align with what sets us on fire. Just doing something because we think we should or someone tells us to do it, is not going to help us stick with it.
There is a great quote from Albert Einstein where he said: “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” Passion is one of the greatest attributes we can encourage in our children. It is the fire that can flame great learning and achievement.
Your children might need your help and encouragement to find their passion, but I have seen so many past students find their confidence and growth through their own personal passion. It can help them experience success and build their self-belief and willingness to challenge themselves in other areas also.
Best of luck to our Challenge Cup Football and Netball teams this week as they use their passion for sport to compete against other Catholic Schools across our Diocese.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
God bless you.
Jennett Mullane
From Our APRE
Welcome back – I do hope you all had some time to rest and recharge over the holidays.
This week we recognise NAIDOC Week. We started our term with an assembly to help the students understand the significance of NAIDOC Week and the importance of taking the time to listen and understand.
I really love the poster for this year’s NAIDOC Week theme – Keep the fire burning – Blak, Loud and Proud.
The fire represents the enduring strength and vitality of Indigenous cultures, passed down through generations despite the challenges faced. It is a symbol of connection to the land and to each other.
"Blak, Loud and Proud" encapsulates the unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity, empowering us to stand tall in our heritage and assert our place in the modern world. It invites all Australians to listen, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a society where the wisdom and contributions of Indigenous peoples are fully valued and respected.
Through our collective efforts, we can forge a future where the stories, traditions, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are cherished and celebrated, enriching the fabric of the nation with the oldest living culture in the world.
Artwork can help to connect us to a culture. If you have time, follow the link below and watch the short clip by artist Deb Balyea who created the poster for this year’s NAIDOC Week.
This NAIDOC Week we recognise an artist amongst us at Star of the Sea. Skye Alberts, she has been working creatively this year on a couple of projects for our school.
We launched one of those projects at our asssembly – our new staff shirt. The artwork for this shirt was designed by Miss A and represents our journey to school. The star leads the way, taking us through our connecting waterways to our meeting place at school.
Thank you Miss A for sharing your great gift with us – we are blessed to have you as part of our team here at Star of the Sea.
Keep the fire burning.
Gods blessings,
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Celebrating Catholic Education Week and the Feast of Joachim and St Anne
On Friday morning - July 26th, there will be a special celebration for Grandparents at Star of the Sea School.
The celebration will begin with Mass @ 9am.
More details to follow.
Everyone is welcome.
So that we have some idea for catering we ask that you please email and let us know if you will be attending the morning tea on this day.
In Our Prayers
Let us pray...
• We pray for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People that they will use the strength and vitality of their culture and tradition to kindle pride and unity, and empower them to assert their place in our Modern World.
• We pray that we may listen compassionately to the hurt and pain of our indigenous brothers and sisters so that we may achieve peace, justice and reconciliation amongst all people.
• We pray for all those who have died: May God grant them the peace and joy and hope of the resurrection.
• We pray for those members of our school community who are battling sickness and suffering in their life: May they find healing and comfort.
• We pray for all who live with war, sickness and suffering, that we will all be moved by the Holy Spirit to look for opportunities to bring justice, compassion and peace.
• We pray that, through the Holy Trinity, those who have died will find their home with the Lord.
From the APC
At Star of the Sea we focus on developing a number of Learner Assets that nurture skills and dispositions for lifelong learning. These learner assets stem from a realization that how learning occurs is as important a consideration as what is learnt.
Over the year, teachers have focused on helping your children develop the following Learner Assets. I encourage you all to read through these learner assets and think about your children as you do. What learner assets are they very skilled in and what learner assets do they need to continue to develop in.
Researching: Formulating questions and locating / using a wide range of sources and techniques to investigate.
Collaborating: Working with others on shared goals. Contributing constructively and respecting the ideas and contributions of others.
Thinking: Being open minded and thinking creatively, empathically and reflectively.
Self-Managing: Learning independently and making wise decisions about their own learning. Knowing ourselves as learners and setting personal goals for growth.
Communicating: Conveying ideas confidently for a variety of purposes. Listening thoughtfully to others.
The school newsletter is often written for our parent audience. Keeping this in mind, look back on the learner assets and identify your strengths and areas you could work harder in. I have some resources I could share if you would like any more information on these learner assets. Just let me know.
Have a good week everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant to the Principal Curriculum
Date Claimers
P&F Meeting tonight in the Staffroom at 6:30pm
NAIDOC Week – Keep the fire burning, Blak, Loud and Proud.
CHALLENGE CUP - Our netball and football teams are away competing in the Challenge Cup from Wednesday to Friday – we wish them well.
Prep celebrate 100 days of school and they invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 12th July at 8:35am in the covered courts area.
QMEA Drone Challenge – students will represent Star of the Sea at the annual Drone Challenge. Good Luck.
Year 5 Camp – Our Year 5 Students will be away at Chaverim from Wednesday 17th July until Friday 19th July.
FREE DRESS DAY – Students are invited to come dressed in sun safe free dress clothes on Wednesday 24th July. A gold coin donation is required and will support our Story Dogs Reading Program.
Year 5 invite you to their assembly presentation on Thursday 25th July at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Everyone is invited to join us for our Catholic Education Week Whole School Mass on Friday 26th July at 9.00am in the Star of the Sea Church. This Mass will also be a special celebration for our Grandparents.
Year 3A invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 2nd August at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Year 3 invite you to their Liturgy on Tuesday 6th August at 9.30am in the Star of the Sea Church.
Year 4A invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 9th August at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
GLADSTONE SHOW HOLIDAY – Monday 12th August.
Year 4B invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 16th August at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Everyone is invited to attend our Book Character Parade on Friday 23rd August at 8:35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Year 3B invite you to their assembly presentation on Thursday 29th August at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Year 2 invite you to their Liturgy on Tuesday 3rd September at 9.30am in the Star of the Sea Church.
Year 6B invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 6th September at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
SCHOOL FEAST DAY – Thursday 12th September.
Everyone is invited to attend our Feast Day Mass on Thursday 12TH September at 9am in the Star of the Sea Church.
Year 6A invite you to their assembly presentation on Friday 13th September at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area
Position Vacant - Parish Administration Officer
Our parish is seeking to employ a
Parish Administration Officer
and is calling for applications.
The role is part-time (20 hours a week) and provides assistance to the Parish Priest in the administrative tasks of the parish.
Principal duties include:
• Provide general secretarial/administrative assistance to the Parish Priest
• Produce the weekly parish bulletin
• Maintain administrative documentation and filing systems
• Print liturgical texts and other requirements for liturgies
• Maintain rosters for Sunday Mass
• Monitor and order stock for office & church
• Maintain copyright log for hymns each week
• Maintain parish sacrament registers
• Prepare paperwork and make appointments for baptisms, marriages, and funerals
• Other general reception duties as required.
The position involves sharing of some duties with another staff member. The position would be suitable for someone who can provide a warm and welcoming presence to parishioners and others who attend the parish office, is proficient with Microsoft Office software, and is well-organised and attentive to detail.
A familiarity with the elements of parish life and practice will be a significant advantage.
The successful applicant will be provided with in-house training and a hand-over period during which s/he will work with existing staff.
A copy of the full position description and instructions for applying can be obtained by contacting the parish office (sosgladstone@rok.catholic.net.au or 49721025).
Applications should be submitted no later than 26th July 2024.
Caulfield Sponsorship Opportunities
The annual Star of the Sea Caulfield event is on again on 19 October 2024!
This event involves transforming our school into an amazing venue that hosts over 250 people to enjoy an afternoon of fun whilst raising funds for our school. These funds have continued to help the P and F Association to develop a supportive and caring learning environment for our school and have contributed to the building of play equipment and learning areas, classroom resources and travel bursaries.
If you or your business is interested in sponsoring the event this year, there are a number of sponsorship and advertising opportunities available. Our Platinum and Gold Sponsors also receive exclusive access to Early Bird Tickets. Please contact SOSCaulfield@outlook.com to request a sponsorship prospectus.
Have you downloaded our new App yet?
We already have way over half our parent community who've downloaded our new mobile App.
The App, Parent Orbit, which is connected to Parent Lounge, will improve our communication with each other as it offers a quick and easy way to receive notifications, add Student Absences, view and pay School Fees, accept or decline excursions via the Events and Activities, check the school calendar, update details and permissions and much more.
Some of you may already be using the Parent Orbit App for Chanel College and you will simply add Star of the Sea as another school you can access.
The App uses your Parent Lounge log in to access and will be a great way to access Parent Lounge features as you will not have to log in every time.
To download the App to your mobile device you can click on the link https://parentorbit.page.link/sosg or visit your APP store.
Most of our Term Dates for the rest of the year are already installed on the App so it really is a good resource for you.
An Opportunity for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Swap It News for You
We are now a SWAP IT school! Here is this week's SWAP IT messages to help you 'swap' for healthier lunchboxes! Find tips on the SWAP IT website: www.swapit.net.au/tips
2025 Prep Enrolments
2024 School Priorities
Wearitto Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s classroom teacher and SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).