2024 Week 1 Newsletter - Term 2
WEEKLY FOCUS - Change to our newsletter
From the Principal - Swap It Program
Position Vacant - Facilities Officer (Groundsperson)
From Our APRE
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Swap It News for You
Cross Country
Port Curtis Football (Soccer) Team
Farewell Miss Deb and Mr Ahern
1 2 3 Magic Parent Course
2025 Prep Enrolments
2024 School Priorities
Student Absentee Line
St Joseph's Cathedral Appeal
Caulfield 2023 Sponsors
WEEKLY FOCUS - Change to our newsletter
From the Principal - Swap It Program
Dear families
As we begin this new term, I pray you return from an Easter break that brought some joy and love and peace into your lives. These are virtues we should hold especially close as we mourn with our nation and our world for all who suffer through war and senseless violence.
I look forward to another great term where we work together to encourage our precious children towards excellence in all facets of their development – academic, social, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
- Desmond Tutu
Our newsletter provides an important tool in this process of working together but we know you are busy and it can be difficult to keep up with the amount of electronic communication we receive each week.
This term we are trailing a slight change in format for our newsletter. We will still provide a weekly newsletter but will alternate the amount of content it contains. One week will provide our usual newsletter content and the following week will just contain my video message and some essential short messages.
We welcome your feedback as the term goes on as to whether this works better for you.
Did you know that good nutrition is linked to enhanced academic outcomes as well as improved health and wellbeing?
For this reason, our school has partnered with the SWAP IT Program in a bid to support the wellbeing, learning and development of our students.
The food children consume at school impacts their concentration, health and wellbeing. By improving lunchboxes, we can make a huge difference! 85% of school children take a packed lunch to school every day. On average these lunchboxes contain more than three servings of food that we should only eat sometimes. The school lunchbox contains approximately one third of a child’s daily energy intake – a significant opportunity to improve nutrition and health outcomes.
Attached with this newsletter are some other sources of information for you about the Swap It Program. We would love to hear any feedback you have on any of these resources.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
God bless you.
Jennett Mullane
Position Vacant - Facilities Officer (Groundsperson)
We have not managed to fill this position as yet - Please spread the word and help us find our new Groundsperson.
Applications can be made via this link:
From Our APRE
Welcome to Term 2 – promising to be another action-packed term full of learning and growing.
I hope you managed to take some time over the Easter break to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Church continues to celebrate the Season of Easter.
Some of you may not be aware that Easter is not just the long weekend.
The Church celebrates the Easter season (also known as “Eastertide”) for 50 days, culminating with the feast of Pentecost, where Scripture (Acts 2:1–31) tells us that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles. Divine Mercy Sunday and the Ascension, take place during the Easter season.
These words are repeated over and over in our Church during this Easter. And someone outside the Church could easily say, ‘So what!’ Even when we look at the Gospels themselves, Jesus’ Resurrection is a very understated affair. Your children’s birthday parties probably have more pizzaz in them. Jesus’ Resurrection is announced quietly to a few loving, and distressed, women, revealed to the disciples hidden behind closed doors where Jesus offers forgiveness and peace. Is this the way to catch the attention and following of the world? What difference does it make? Perhaps the best way to understand that is to look at what we Christians believe.
Christians believe:
That good can come out of bad. The power Jesus gave in defeating death is given to us. We are not defined or confined by the bad things that happen to us. We can turn them to good.
That prayer really makes a difference. The good desires I have for others can be offered to God and sent to surround and care for them – even if they are on the other side of the world.
That forgiveness is not only possible but desirable. When we hear stories of people who have forgiven those who have wronged them, we understand, we get it – even if we feel it might be beyond us.
That virtue is something for which we should work and strive. Yes, we want to be better because we believe we have been made for that.
This is where we know the Risen Christ is alive in us. In this transformation, we see the life-giving power he has unleashed in the world. Let yourself be surprised this Easter by recognising and appreciating the new divine life that is rising in your hearts.
Loving God, my faith can seem so ordinary at times that I think it has little effect on me. Let me realise how the Holy Spirit is alive within me allowing the life of Jesus to rise in my heart and in my life. I ask this in Jesus’ name confident that you will hear me. Sr Kym Harris osb
Enjoy the Eastertide.
God Bless
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
What are Sacraments?
This week enrolments open for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. It might spark the question – what is a Sacrament and when can we be involved?
One Sacrament and Seven Sacraments
The central and original sacrament is Jesus. He is the revelation of God par excellence. Through Jesus we have other sacraments. The Church defines seven key sacraments, grouped into 3 categories.
Sacraments of Initiation
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Eucharist
Sacraments of Healing
4. Reconciliation
5. Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments in the Service of the Community
6. Marriage
7. Holy Orders
Symbols and Rituals
Life is full of rituals and symbols. These can be powerful and engage our imagination. Some rituals and symbols are particular and speak to us as individuals or particular groups; others are universal and transcend culture and time.
As in life, we use symbols and rituals in the celebration of sacraments. Rituals and symbols give us concrete ways of experiencing the mystery of a loving God.
(Information taken from Echoing the Word Vol. 15 No. 4, 2016)
Sacraments are received throughout ones life, depending on when the person is ready for them. As a rule of thumb, Baptism is the first Sacrament, followed by Reconciliation (generally around Year 3 age). After Reconciliation comes Confirmation and Eucharist or First Holy Communion (both received generally around Year 4 age). The last 3 Sacraments – Anointing of the Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders are received when the need arises.
Enrolments are now open for the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Catholic children who have already celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation are invited to begin the journey for the Sacraments. Enrolments are due by Friday 3rd May. If you would like an enrolment form please contact the Parish or School office.
Parish Faith Coordinator
Hayley Lanzon
Phone: (07) 4972 1025
In Our Prayers
Let us pray...
• We pray that we carry the peace and joy and hope of the Easter Season in our hearts to all we meet.
• We pray for all who seek to ease the suffering of others, especially charities such as Caritas: May we do all we can to support their generous work.
• We pray for all who live with war, sickness and suffering, that we will all be moved by the Holy Spirit to look for opportunities to bring justice, compassion and peace.
• We pray that, through the Holy Trinity, those who have died will find their home with the Lord.
From the APC
Throughout this term, our school will be implementing the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum with students in all year levels – Prep to Year 6.
The Department of Education and Training, in partnership with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, has developed the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum for Queensland students. The Curriculum consists of classroom lessons across three phases of learning: Prep - Year 2, Years 3 - 6, and Years 7 - 9. The Curriculum, available to all Queensland schools, aims to develop student knowledge and skills to recognise, react to and report unsafe situations.
The Curriculum is based around three key messages: Recognise, React and Report.
- The Recognise message encourages students to be aware of their surroundings and to recognise warning clues.
- The React message helps students to consider choices that may keep them safe or help make them safe again as quickly as possible.
- The Report message encourages students to report unsafe incidents to an adult.
Developmentally appropriate scenarios are used to explore and discuss safety situations that children and young people may encounter in the home, at school or in their environment.
Students are encouraged to share the resources they complete in class with their families to help keep parents informed about the content being discussed and to promote discussion about safety in the home. Resources for the Parent Guides for each of the phases are available online.
Have a great week everyone!
Anthony King
Anthony King: Assistant to the Principal Curriculum
Swap It News for You
We are now a SWAP IT school! Look out for weekly SWAP IT messages to help you 'swap' for healthier lunchboxes! Find tips on the SWAP IT website: www.swapit.net.au/tips
Star of the Sea School will once again be showing our support for our heroes past and present by marching in this year’s ANZAC Day March.
The march will take place on Thursday 25th April.
Students will need to assemble in Goondoon St just below the Westpac Bank car park at 10:15am dressed in full school uniform (including hat). It is important that students also apply sunscreen and bring a water bottle to carry with them.
Whilst this is the official event that our school participates in and our School Captains are present at, we are aware that some families have the tradition of attending the Dawn Service. If any of our older students are attending this service instead we would love for you to let the office know. Don’t forget to wear your school uniform!
Parents are welcome to march with us or meet us in the ANZAC Park.
Cross Country
Our Cross Country was a great way to end Term One, showcasing the determination, courage and team spirit our students have. A huge thank you to Mrs Hooley, Mrs Blake, and the staff and parents who helped make it such a fantastic event.
Port Curtis Football (Soccer) Team
Congratulations to Mia C, Ellie L and Kurt T on being selected in the Port Curtis 10-12Years Football (Soccer) team. These students will attend the Capricornia trials to be held in Emerald next month.
Farewell Miss Deb and Mr Ahern
Gratitude and service are two virtues we greatly value at Star of the Sea and our recent farewell to Miss Deb and Mr Ahern was an opportunity for us to say a huge thank you to the many years of generous service that Deb and Paul have given to our community.
Deb began with us in 1990 in one of the first Preschools operating within the Diocese and has been a much loved teacher assistant to generations of students. Paul began with us in 2018 and played an integral role in helping establish our new grounds for the students.
Both Deb and Paul are stepping backing from their permanent roles and we are blessed to have had them as such a large part of our story and are grateful for all they have given to Star of the Sea. Farewell Miss Deb and Mr Ahern - You will be greatly missed.
1 2 3 Magic Parent Course
2025 Prep Enrolments
2024 School Priorities
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s classroom teacher and SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).