2023 Week 10 Newsletter - Term 1
Weekly Focus - You can make a difference.
From the Principal - How to change the world
Star of the Sea Easter Masses & Liturgies
2023 School Goals
From Our APRE
Catholic Identity
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Information about our Disabled Car Parks
Fun at Cross Country
Cross Country Training
Cross Country Results
Student of the Week Award
P&F Meeting - April/May Meeting 2023
Date Claimer - Parent Workshop Opportunity - All are welcome
2024 Chanel College Year 7 Enrolment Information Evening
Student Absentee Line
Emmaus College 30Year Anniversary
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus - You can make a difference.
From the Principal - How to change the world
Dear Families
It is hard to believe that we are already finishing Term One. It has been such a great start to the year and I hope these holidays provide a chance to rest and to reflect upon and celebrate the many achievements your children have made.
Over this holiday period we will begin preparations for the new playground which will be installed for us at the end of June. Next week, McCoskers will kindly be helping us to level and prepare the land for us. The Shed Company will also be helping us by fencing off this area where the works will take place. This is an exciting first step which our Parents and Friends have been preparing for over many years and we are extremely grateful for the generous support of these local companies in helping bring our dreams to fruition.
“As consumers we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.”
- Emma Watson
How Sweet is My Chocolate?
For Christians around the world, the following couple of weeks are an important highlight of the year, prayerfully remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus and His message of mercy and love.
The Easter Egg is a symbol that has been used for many years to remind us of the new life of Easter, and chocolate Easter Eggs have become an essential part of the Easter Season no matter what you believe.
People across the world are recognising that we are a global community and our decisions and actions can have repercussions for many – environmentally, financially, politically, along with health and lifestyle impacts. Sometimes we can think that the problems are too big for us to have any impact but this has been proven very wrong in recent years.
Not all chocolate is sweet. Not if a child has been forced to pick the cocoa beans - a key ingredient of chocolate. About 80% of cocoa comes from West Africa and it is estimated that almost 2 million children are in child labour in these areas. They may never go to school or taste the chocolate they help produce.
Every Easter Australians spend millions of dollars buying hundreds of kilograms of chocolate to eat and give away. Over the past 10 years, Australian consumers have started making a difference for these children at risk by demanding big chocolate companies aim for slavery free practices.
Companies sourcing cocoa certified by Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance are working towards the elimination of slavery in the cocoa industry. Make a change this Easter and only buy chocolate displaying the Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance logo.
For information on Slavery-free Easter chocolate and resources, go to: https://acrath.org.au/takeaction/chocolate/
The Chocolate Scorecard (https://www.chocolatescorecard.com/ ) is also a useful resource in this regard.
Please note the change in date for our next P&F Meeting - Tuesday 18th April.
This has changed from the email sent out recently as we have just been notified of a great workshop opportunity for all parents in our Catholic Schools on Tuesday 2nd May. More information is in this newsletter.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
God bless you.
Jennett Mullane
Star of the Sea Easter Masses & Liturgies
2023 School Goals
From Our APRE
Last Friday was a great way to end Harmony Week. The day began with an assembly by Year One.
They gave us a glimpse into the world of a Year One classroom and shared a very important message. ‘We are all different, living together in love.’ I guess the challenge for us all is not just to talk about this, but actually put it into action.
We then had our first Pastoral Care Group Session where we talked more about being a peacemaker and how we can live in harmony with each other.
Are you a peacmaker?
I then attended a time of prayer with Year 5 and Prep. It was wonderful to see students sharing parts of their culture and proudly showing off symbols and costumes. Thank you, Year 5, for the way you led prayer and were such great role models for your Prep Buddies. The interactions between these students is one that I am grateful to be able to witness.
As the term draws to a close we will take some time this week to reflect on the growth of each individual and celebrate our successes.
On Friday we will join together as a community to reflect on the great story of Holy Week. The Liturgy will be @ 11am on Friday, on the courts area – everyone is welcome.
When we return after the holiday our school will gather again to celebrate the Resurrection, in the church @ 9:30am on Tuesday 18th April. Again, everyone is welcome.
Easter blessings to you all.
God Bless
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Catholic Identity
Catholic Social Teaching – Preferential Option for the Poor
Caring for those who are less well off is everyone’s responsibility. Preferential care should be shown to vulnerable and marginalised people, whose needs and rights are given special attention in God’s eyes.
In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need us.
"How does God's love abide in anyone who has the world's goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?"
1 John 3:17
Charity / Missions
(From the Parent Handbook)
Children are encouraged to show mercy and compassion for those less fortunate than themselves by supporting the poor and suffering of our world (traditionally known in Catholic schools as the Missions) through their prayers, good works and financial support.
Whilst the focus of our charitable efforts are through prayer and leading merciful lives, we do engage in various fundraising activities to provide monetary support to those most in need.
Each term we support a particular charity:
Term One – Caritas Project Compassion
Term Two – St Vincent De Paul Assist a Student
Term Three – Vinnies Winter Appeal and Marist Mission Centre
Term Four – Catholic Mission and Vinnies Christmas Hampers
Throughout the year we may also respond to appeals focused on current issues or events such as floods etc. and particular causes that are meaningful to our community such as Story Dogs, Go Blue for Autism or Childhood Cancer.
In Term One we support Project Compassion and through the Pancake Day which Year 6 ran on Shrove Tuesday, weekly collection from Mission boxes and our Containers for Change Program we have managed to collect over $500 as a school community. Thank you for your generosity.
In Our Prayers
Let us pray...
• We pray for all of us as we enter these final weeks of the Season of Lent: May we engage with this opportunity to experience the fullness of God’s mercy and love through the events of Holy Week.
• We pray for our Star of the Sea community: As we journey into the holiday period may we be kept safe in our travels and appreciate the blessing of family and friends.
• We pray for all those who have died: May God grant them the peace and joy and hope of the resurrection.
• We pray for all who battle sickness and suffering in their life: May they find healing and comfort.
From the APC
It is hard to believe that Term 1 for 2023 is coming to an end. The longer I teach in a school, the quicker the terms seem to go. I get to spend the day tomorrow with the Year 6 students to talk about leaders who inspire us. We will focus on how servant leadership is selflessly making a positive difference for others. Students will reflect on what it means and how it feels to have someone make a positive difference in their life. We will explore what these actions were and the values used by those who make a difference.
Awer Mabil is the Young Australian of the Year. He is an Australian soccer player; the short clip below explains why he was awarded young Australian of the Year. The way his coach talks about him is amazing.
I look forward to the remaining three terms of 2023 where our Year 6 students will continue to lead our school, by being positive role models for our younger students.
Have a good break everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant Principal: Curriculum
Information about our Disabled Car Parks
We have a couple of families whose circumstances make them eligible to use the Disabled Car Parks. It can be quite difficult to get out of the park with the bollards etc. if cars are parked directly behind them. We ask that you do not park near the bollards that lead up to the top car park to allow space to reverse out of these disabled parking spots. Please also ensure you never park in these car parks (no matter how briefly) unless you have appropriate eligibility. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Fun at Cross Country
Cross Country Training
Cross Country training will be held for students who have qualified for Port Curtis. Training will be held this Thursday (30th March) and Week 1 of Term 2 (18th and 20th April).
Cross Country Results
Champion House Breslin - 138
2nd House Marsden - 135
3rd House Murlay - 129
Open Boys (2011/2010)
1st Sam B, 2nd Preston K, 3rd Cooper G
Open Girls (2011/2010)
1st Mia K, 2nd Sienna D, 3rd Abi K
11 Years Boys (2012)
1st Cory A, 2nd Jack P, 3rd Jesse J
11 Years Girls (2012)
1st Nethuli P, 2nd Myeisha M, 3rd Amarni T
10 Years Boys (2013)
1st Kurt T, Harrison G, 3rd Leo T
10 Years Girls (2013)
1st Sienna K, 2nd Ellie G, 3rd Macy G
9 Years Boys (2014)
1st Arlo T, 2nd Mac L, 3rd Luke P
9 Years Girls (2014)
1st Ruby S, 2nd Loni B, 3rd Harlie M
8 Years Boys (2015)
1st Caelen A, 2nd Theo H, 3rd Harrison B
8 Years Girls (2015)
1st Bella-Maree M, 2nd Frances M, 3rd Lillian G
7 Years Boys (2016)
1st Archie S, 2nd Parker D, 3rd Hudson K
7 Years Girls (2016)
1st Aleah W, 2nd Remi D, 3rd Hadley B
6 Years Boys (2017)
1st Cohen C, 2nd Nixon J, 3rd Miller B
6 Years Girls (2017)
1st Aylish H, 2nd Millie B, 3rd Charlotte H
Prep Boys
1st Tobias H, 2nd Jake F, 3rd Harlem F
Prep Girls
1st Orla T, 2nd Octavia F, 3rd Annabelle O
Student of the Week Award
P&F Meeting - April/May Meeting 2023
- 18 Apr 2023
- 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
We invite all of our Parent Community to our P and F Meeting on Tuesday 18th April (Week One) at 6:30pm in the staff room (entry via the front office).
(Please note that this date has changed from the email sent this week as we have received notification of a great Parent Education Session being offered by Catholic School Parents Qld on Tuesday 2nd May at 6pm at Chanel College. Please see this newsletter for more information.)
Although the P&F meeting starts at 6:30pm you are welcome to join us a little earlier for a chat and a glass of something if you can.
Any agenda items can be forwarded to the following email addresses:
Date Claimer - Parent Workshop Opportunity - All are welcome
We have just received notice of a valuable event being provided for our Catholic School communities in Gladstone to support parents in their important role of encouraging Learning and Wellbeing. This event is brought to you in conjunction with Catholic School Parents Queensland's Executive Director, Carmel Nash, and Professor Janet Goodall from the United Kingdom.
Janet Goodall is a highly respected professor in the Department of Education and Childhood Studies at Swansea University, United Kingdom. She is a leading expert in the field of family engagement in education and has spent decades researching and developing strategies for effective parent-teacher partnerships. She has a passionate belief that parental involvement is a critical factor in ensuring academic success and overall well-being for children.
This event will be held at Chanel College on Tuesday 2nd May from 6-7.30pm.
All are welcome - please lock this in your diary - Monday 2nd May @6pm.
2024 Chanel College Year 7 Enrolment Information Evening
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher and SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).