2022 Week 7 Newsletter - Term 4
Weekly Focus - The power of feedback
From the Principal -Reviewing the data
URGENT - Please help us find a new Outside School Hours Care Coordinator
From Our APRE - True Leadership
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Term 4 Liturgies and Assemblies
In Our Prayers
From the APC - 2022 ICAS Congratulations
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - 2022 Star of the Sea Swimming Carnival
Year 5 Leadership Speeches
Christmas Concert
Instrumental Music News
Student of the Week Award - Week 6 & 7
Remembrance Day
End of Year Mass and arrangements for the final day of school.
Chanel College Transition day for 2023 Year 7 Students
Class Lists
Departing Families
Lost Property
Student Absentee Line
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus - The power of feedback
From the Principal -Reviewing the data
Dear Families
I spoke last week about grounding ourselves to the now. I wonder if you have tried any of the tips I shared with you? I actually tried a couple myself and found them useful in staying focused on those busy days.
Staying grounded helps us to engage in quality reflection so that we can strategically plan for the future. Our school is very much in the middle of this process as we plan to report on student growth, set student goals for 2023 and engage in strategic planning for the school as a whole.
“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.”
― John Dewey
There are many different types of data that we collect including observations, standardised tests and student work samples. The reflection on the data and its links to other data is where the story really begins to be revealed in a useful way.
Data can come to us in many unexpected ways. Sometimes it is linked to an individual and sometimes it reveals year level and school wide trends.
The email below was sent by a random family who were holidaying where our Year 6 camp took place last week. They were so impressed that they went out of their way to find my details and send me this feedback:
Our family is currently on holiday at the Coolwaters Discovery Park where your Year 6 students have been on camp this week. I wanted to write to you to say how wonderful your students have been. We encountered your friendly and courteous students on a number of occasions throughout the park over the past few days. On a couple of occasions, my kids have wandered over while your students were enjoying the jumping pillow. I was amazed to see your students stop bouncing and lie down on the pillow, keeping it still for my kids to safely have a jump. What a kind and generous thing for your students to do!
The Year 6 students represented your school beautifully, what a credit they are to your community!
Also, we couldn't help but notice how genuinely warm and positive the interactions were between your staff and students. We hope our children are fortunate to have such caring teachers when they go to school!
This email speaks volumes about the individual students but also about the way they work together as a cohort. This didn’t happen overnight. The children have spent 7 years learning how to bring out the best in themselves and each other and they should be very proud of themselves, as should their parents, teachers, support staff and the entire community that has supported them.
If you have any feedback on any aspect of what we do at Star of the Sea that you think could be useful in our reflection process, please do not hesitate to email me. It is important that we have as many voices in the process as possible as we plan for 2023.
God bless you and Live Jesus in Your Hearts Forever!
Jennett Mullane
URGENT - Please help us find a new Outside School Hours Care Coordinator
We are really in need of your help to find a new Coordinator for our OSHC Service. Please spread the word and plant some seeds of interest. People are more than welcome to call the school for a chat about the position.
More information can be found here: https://applynow.net.au/jobs/CER453
From Our APRE - True Leadership
Our Year 5 students and teachers have been busy preparing for their quest into the area of leadership. I shared a few stories with the Year 5 students recently about leadership and what it means to me.
Two people in our school who I think show great leadership qualities are Mrs Hanrahan and Miss Kaddie. I shared how these two ladies show patience and kindness to every person who enters the office – even the student who has been to sick bay at least 5 times in one week with an injury that is unable to be detected. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is or how busy they are, they treat people with respect and make them feel like they are being heard. They are both so organised and nothing is ever too much trouble for them. I aspire to lead like they do.
I find this time of the year very stressful, but also know that it is necessary. I shared my thoughts about dealing with disappointment and being able to be happy for someone else at the same time – this is never easy. We often throw around the word resilience and I think this is a time when our resilience is truly tested.
In the training our students did recently with the Unleashing Personal Potential group, they looked at the meaning of servant leadership. I am feeling confident that we have a wonderful group of leaders emerging for our school in 2023 and I look forward to working alongside them.
As we move very quickly towards the end of the year I was looking for some pointers to help me get there without falling apart and I found the following -
I have adapted it slightly and I hope you find it useful too.
5 Tips on How to Survive the Last Few Weeks of School
- Capture memories on camera
(I feel like this is always done well around our school)
- Make a to-do list
(It feels so good to tick the jobs off as you go)
- Clean-up Shop
(This is never ending, but I have clarity when everything is in its own spot)
- Take time to reflect
(When you look back at what we have managed to achieve this year it is really quite amazing)
- Give thanks
(Remember to give thanks for the many blessings, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for)
Be grateful,
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Weekly Wondering....
I wonder if you have felt God’s love?
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Our school has always been a great supporter of those less fortunate than ourselves. We appreciate your assistance in helping St Vincent de Paul bring some joy to families as per the flyer details below.
Term 4 Liturgies and Assemblies
Year 5 Leadership Speeches will take place this week and next week – please check in this newsletter for more information.
Leadership Speeches continue.
Year 6 invite you to their FINAL assembly presentation on Thursday 24th November at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
Everyone is invited to attend our annual Christmas Concert on Friday 25th November.
Everyone is invited to attend our Year 6 Graduation Liturgy Monday night 28th November at 6pm in the Star of the Sea Church.
Everyone is invited to attend our End of Year Mass on Friday 2nd December at 9am in the Star of the Sea Church.
In Our Prayers
Let us pray...
We pray for our Year 12 students as they finish their final week of high school: May they experience pride in their achievements and be kept safe in their celebrations.
We pray for those countries suffering due to war and injustice: May peace and strength be with them in their struggles.
We pray for all those who have died: May God grant them the peace and joy and hope of the resurrection.
We pray for those who struggle in life because of mental health, poverty, sickness or persecution: May they find hope, healing and comfort and people who bring them consolation.
From the APC - 2022 ICAS Congratulations
Congratulations to the students listed below for their involvement in the 2022 ICAS. The underlined names received a Principal's Certificate in recognition of excellent results.
SCIENCE: Credit- Eloise Groen-int-Woud, Merit - Adora Selbin, Participation - Leo Tingry, Olivia Barsby, Olivia Griffiths, Gurashish Dhawan, Nethuli Peiris.
ENGLISH: Merit - Milla Lamberton, Nethuli Peiris, Participation - Leo Tingry, Gurashish Dhawan.
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: Credit- Adora Selbin, Olivia Barsby, Eloise Groen-int-Woud Participation - Gurashish Dhawan, Annabelle Wotton, Daniyal Adnan, Serafina Jinto.
SPELLING: Distinction - Nethuli Peiris, Mara Bryant Credit - Leo Tingry, Myeisha Medina, Milla Lamberton Participation - Gurashish Dhawan, Serafina Jinto, Adora Selbin, Sophie Griffiths.
WRITING: Merit - Mara Bryant, Milla Lamberton, Participation - Daniyal Adnan, Annabelle Wotton, Leo Tingry, Olivia Griffiths.
MATHEMATICS : The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Committee has contacted me to say there was a problem with the program and results for this test are still be finalised.
We recognise and celebrate the success and efforts of all students and commend them all on their achievements.
Have a good week everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant Principal: Curriculum
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - 2022 Star of the Sea Swimming Carnival
The Star of the Sea Swimming Carnival for 2022 will be held on Friday 18th November for Years 2 – 6.
Registration via the Google Form must be completed in order for your child to be able to participate in the event.
All children who aren’t swimming in the 100m are to come to school first and walk to the pool with their class. This means that children will need to be at school by 8.30am to have the roll marked with their classroom teacher. Year 2 students will leave the school first with other year levels following in turn.
We ask that 100m students do not arrive @ the pool before 8 a.m. Students participating in the 100m event must report to Mr King please (Siblings are to go to school). The 100m races will begin at 8:15am for those nominated.
All spectators attending the event will need to pay an admission charge to the pool and stay within the nominated area opposite the student area.
Volunteers who are assisting on the day (who have completed the Volunteers Induction) will be provided with information regarding their entry to the pool on the day. We are still in need of volunteers - please contact us if you are available to help.
The carnival is expected to finish by approximately 2.00pm. Any students not collected by their parents will walk back to school with their class teacher.
Before taking students home from the pool please ensure the student has had their name marked off the roll by their teacher. Any students at the pool must sit with the school. They cannot be signed out to sit with their parents.
Please note the school Tuckshop will be closed on Friday 18th November.
Children are not permitted to use the canteen at the pool and we ask, in the interest of fairness for all students, that you refrain from purchasing food from the canteen and taking it to them.
No crepe paper, balloons or coloured hair spray is allowed at the pool.
Requirements for the day:
Children MUST come to school with their TOGS ON please.
Please send the following items with your children:
- FOOD - lots of snacks to eat throughout the day is a good idea
- Students are asked to wear Star of the Sea Team shirt & Sport shorts or Star of the Sea school shirt & School shorts (boys) / Skorts (girls)
- Slip on shoes suitable for walking to the toilet (good grip and no heels please);
- School hat is essential;
- Sun safe swimming shirt;
- Two Towels;
- 30+ Sunscreen is essential;
- Activities to keep students occupied like a book or notepad (no electronics please…we are near water!)
We ask that children have all items labelled please.
Thank you for your consideration of these very important notes.
Year 5 Leadership Speeches
Our Year 5 Students present their Leadership Speeches this week. Parents are more than welcome to attend but please make sure you sign in through the office or at the tables set up near the Assembly area. Please note the following dates and locations:
School Captain Speeches - Tuesday 15th November at 9am in the Covered Courts area
Breslin House Captain Speeches - Wednesday 16th November at 9am in the 5A classroom (top floor).
Marsden House Captain Speeches - Wednesday 16th November at 9am in the 6B classroom (middle floor).
Murlay House Captain Speeches - Wednesday 16th Novemberat 8:55am in the 3A (bottom floor).
Band and Choir Captain Speeches - Wednesday 23rd November as follows:
- Band Captain Speeches - 8:45am in the Music Room
- Choir Captain Speeches - 9:15am in the Library
Please keep all of these children in your prayers.
We wish all the candidates the very best of luck, as we know they have worked hard and all of them will make us proud as leaders in 2023.
Christmas Concert
- 25 Nov 2022
Instrumental Music News
Recruitment for 2023
Are you interested in learning an instrument and playing in the school band next year?
Our Star of the Sea Band and some of our band members have recently demonstrated all of the instruments available to hire and learn. Please fill out the expression of interest so your child can take part in the instrument tryouts. Forms are available from the school office or follow this link: https://forms.gle/Hft6yvsFu15oPsNMA
Tuition is available on trumpet, trombone, euphonium, percussion, flute, clarinet and saxophone. All of these instruments are available to hire through the school.
2023 Band Captain
Current year 5 band members are invited to apply for Band Captain. Speeches will take place on Wednesday 23rd November at 8.45am in the music room. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Dates for the diary
- Week 7 - Instrument try-outs for new students
- Week 7 - Band Recital - Wednesday 16th November - 5.45pm for a 6pm start in the undercover area
- Week 7 - Instrument try-outs for new students - Thursday 17th November
- Week 8 - Monday 21st November 9.15am-10.15am band workshop with Judith Hodge and pizza breakup party
- Week 8 - Letters of offer for places in the music program and instrument hire finalised
- Week 8 - Christmas Concert - Friday 25th November
Kerrie Mallett
Instrumental Music - Woodwind/Brass/Percussion
Star of the Sea - Tuesday/Wednesday
Mobile 0438 165 552
Student of the Week Award - Week 6 & 7
Remembrance Day
Thank you to our Year 5 students who represented our school at the Gladstone Remembrance Day ceremony. Thank you also to our Year 4 students who led the rest of the school. These young people help to ensure that the sacrifice of these service men and women will never be forgotten and the peace they won for us will never be taken for granted.
🌺 🌺🌺
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
End of Year Mass and arrangements for the final day of school.
9am - Whole School End of Year Mass
Our End of Year Mass will take place on Friday 2nd December at 9am in the Covered Courts area of the school.
At this mass we will present our Star of the Sea Awards, farewell our departing students and families, hand over leadership roles to our 2023 leaders and thank the Lord for our blessings this year.
12:30pm Final assembly and farewell
We will have a final assembly in the Covered Courts area where we will especially farewell our Year 6 students. Parents may take children home after this. All children left at school will be supervised in the library.
There will be NO TUCKSHOP in the last week of school.
Chanel College Transition day for 2023 Year 7 Students
Our Year 6 students who will be attending Chanel College in 2023 are invited to a Transition Day at the College on Wednesday 30 November.
Students are to go directly to Chanel College in the morning and are collected by parents from Chanel at the end of the day. There will be no staff from Star of the Sea present at this event.
The day begins at 8.40am in the Marian Centre.
Parents/caregivers are invited to the information session from 8.40am to 10.30 am. Following this, morning tea will be offered to parents/caregivers.
Parents are asked to collect their students from Chanel at 3pm.
Students are to wear their Star of the Sea school uniform. Please ensure you have your school hat and water bottle.
Students will also need to provide their own morning tea and lunch. The Chanel Tuckshop will be available to purchase food and drinks.
Pens and pencils may be required for student participation in some activities.
Class Lists
2023 Class lists are currently being prepared by the school and we have traditionally sent home a class list with each student in the last week of school. Before we continue this tradition it is important to gauge the community’s wishes in light of privacy laws. If you would prefer not to have your child’s name included on the class lists please contact the school office by Friday 25 November please.
Departing Families
At this stage of the year, work and personal circumstances sometimes mean that we have families moving from Star of the Sea. If you have not already done so, please send us an email or a note to let us know.
We hope that you can join us for our End of Year Mass so that we can pray a special blessing for you and your family.
Lost Property
Please make sure you check the lost property that has collected on the table outside the OSHC Room (near the student toilets).
All unclaimed items will be removed in the last week and donated to the school second hand uniform shop or the St Vincent de Paul Shop.
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher and SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).