2022 Week 10 Newsletter - Term 3
Weekly Focus - What is Joy?
From the Principal - Why is joy important?
Caulfield Fundraiser - 50/50 Tickets
From Our APRE
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Term 3 Liturgies and Assemblies
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Year 6 Market Stall
Feast Day Fun
Student Absentee Line
Student of the Week Award
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus - What is Joy?
Here is a wonderful, short video to make you think about one of the most valuable virtues.
From the Principal - Why is joy important?
Dear Families
Our Feast Day celebrations were a wonderful celebration of all that is great about Star of the Sea. We began with a beautiful mass prepared by Mrs Richardson and our Year 4 classes and led by Fr Andrew and Fr Ashwin. The celebrations continued with Feast Day cake, performances by our choir and lots of fun activities run by our Year 6 students. The finale was our P&F Trivia Night which was loads of fun for everyone who attended. A huge thank you to everyone involved in making our Feast Day such a fantastic day.
"Joy is more than happiness. It is deeper than happiness. It is the peace that comes with knowing that life at its core is good.”
- XT3.com
I have never experienced an Irish Summer before and it was a very different Ireland to the cold and rain I usually find there. I actually love the colder weather in Ireland but there is something special about their summer.
If I was going to pick one word to describe Ireland in Summer I would say it is JOYFUL. They truly appreciate the sunshine. There are baskets of flowers everywhere and neighbours sit out in their front yards and discuss with each other how glorious the weather is. There is energy, enthusiasm and gratitude and it made me realise how much we take for granted in our endless sunshine here in Australia.
Joy is a valuable Christian virtue that is often interchanged with happiness but there is a definite difference. Joy is described by the Virtues Project as being, “An inner wellspring of peace and happiness. It is beyond ordinary happiness because it is not an occasional emotional reaction…it is a deep sense of wellbeing that fills us with delight and hope.”
For Christians, joy is seen to be a gift of the Holy Spirit and we saw it in action in Mary as we listened to the readings at our Feast Day mass. Mary’s first response when given the daunting news that she is pregnant with God’s son is not to tremble in fear but to sing with joy and praise. Her faith gave her peace and joy despite the troubles her life now faced.
If you have anyone in your life who is struggling with their mental health, you will have seen the lack of joy and peace and hope they are probably experiencing and their inability to find the inherent goodness in life.
Joy is a precious gift we need to practice as much as possible. Ideas to help us get started include these suggestions from the Virtues Project:
Have a deep sense that life is good.
Enjoy the richness of life’s experiences.
Appreciate simple pleasures.
Be optimistic and hopeful.
Stay in touch with your purpose.
Feel inner peace even when life is difficult.
Care for your spiritual self and cultivate a prayer life.
God bless you and Live Jesus in Your Hearts Forever!
Jennett Mullane
2022 School Goals
Caulfield Fundraiser - 50/50 Tickets
Tickets are due back now please - sold or unsold.
From Our APRE
The count down is on. We are almost there.
On Friday we celebrated our Feast Day – it was a wonderful day and a great reminder to us of the many blessings we have at Star of the Sea.
It was a day of celebrations and a special thank you must go to the amazing staff we have at our school, who go out of their way to ensure students can enjoy a day full of fun.
On Sunday our parish also celebrated the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. What an amazing community we are part of. Mary, Star of the Sea – pray for us.
We’ve got this!
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Weekly Wondering....
I wonder if you believe the promise will be fulfilled, just as Mary did?
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Term 3 Liturgies and Assemblies
Year 6A invite you to their MJR assembly presentation on Friday 16th September at 8.35am in the Covered Courts Area.
In Our Prayers
Let us pray...
- We pray for joy and peace for all in our world: May we recognize the good in our life and delight in all God’s gifts to us.
- We pray in thanksgiving for the life and service of Queen Elizabeth: May she rest in peace.
- We pray for all families, especially as we enter this holiday period: May they stay safe and enjoy the gift they can be to each other.
- We pray for all in our world and in our community who suffer in any way because of illness, disaster, war or injustice: May they always know they are not alone.
From the APC
I heard a child say to their teacher yesterday, “You are my favourite teacher.” It got me thinking, what is it about this teacher that makes that child think this. Is it a moment in time? Or will they truly remember this teacher as their favourite forever?
I wonder if this teacher is giving this child exactly the right amount of guidance, direction, support and love that this child needs right now in their life.
As I reflected on my primary school teachers, many memories started to flood back. My favourite teacher was Mrs Cecily Burkett. Cecily had a vibrant, kind and extremely positive spirit. Not only did Cecily teach me in Year 2, I also got to teach alongside her when I returned to Gladstone as a teacher in the Year 2000. The biggest lesson I learnt from Cecily was to try and be positive, no matter what the situation or dilemma you are faced with.
Can you think of your favourite teacher? What about them made them stand out from the rest?
Have a good week everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant Principal: Curriculum
Access to the school via the pathway that runs adjacent to Apex Park will be closed during the September holiday period. The pavers are being removed and the area is being cemented. Repairs will also be taking place to the retaining wall that runs along Goondoon Street.
Year 6 Market Stall
Feast Day Fun
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Feast Day celebrations. A special thank you to our P&F volunteers who put together such an awesome Feast Day Trivia Night.
P&F Feast Day Trivia Night
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher and SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).