2022 Week 10 Newsletter - Term 2
Weekly Focus - Do you know what your children are seeing online?
From the Principal - Lessons from a Snow Globe!
From Our APRE
Liturgies and Assemblies
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Star of the Sea Caulfield Event
Physics in Flight Competition at Chanel
Year 1B Liturgy
Community Notices
PREP 2023
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
Notification of Positive Covid Cases
Student Absentee Line
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus - Do you know what your children are seeing online?
Each week we provide you with a short video supplying our key messages for the week. This week's video provides some super short messages about keeping your children safe online.
From the Principal - Lessons from a Snow Globe!
Dear Families
We hope this holiday period is a chance for some down time for your children (and hopefully you too). Later in this newsletter are some links to different holiday activities you might want to investigate (but don't be scared to let them get a bit bored!). For many of your children they will also unwind with some time on devices, and we recommend the e-safety commissioner website as a great source of advice in helping you manage this aspect of their lives:
‘We do not learn from experience – we learn from reflecting on experience.’
- John Dewey
I love snow globes and am a bit passionate about what makes a good one. It must have lots of fine white snow, be completely full of liquid and there has to be a quality sculpture inside to look at. That is the whole point of a snow globe really. It is fun to shake them up and watch the snow float around but we wouldn’t enjoy them so much if the snow never settled so that we could see the sculpture inside.
When was the last time you just sat and let all the craziness of your life float away for a minute? I mean really sat still, with no distractions, and let yourself totally be in the moment. When did your children get to experience being totally still and quiet? When did they get to just let their thoughts drift, wondering about themselves and their world?
This quiet and reflection is food for our soul and possibly our physical selves. Studies have found that periods of stillness and quiet actually stimulate the growth of our brains. In the busy lives we navigate our children through I wonder what this says about their brain development if they are not taught how to be still and reflect?
I invite you these holidays to look for ways that you and your children can find some explicitly quiet moments in each day – Start with one minute and work your way up. A good activity to do is to sit quietly, tap into your senses and focus on five things you can see, hear, feel and smell.
Sue Monk Kidd explains that “Reflection is in many ways a lost art. It is an eyepiece to a world hidden away… within ourselves … It seems sad that we slice our time too thin for dreaming long dreams and thinking long thoughts.”
My hunch is that you will love this time for quiet and reflection and your children will benefit from your example and encouragement. The Resilience Project has some great ideas for how to be mindful and reflective. They also remind us of the important example we provide for our children in how to use our devices responsibly and mindfully: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/at-home/wellbeing-hub/reclaiming-control-of-your-electronic-devices/
God bless you and Live Jesus in Your Hearts Forever!
Jennett Mullane
2022 School Goals
From Our APRE
This week is Refugee Week, this annual event that acts as a reminder that no matter what our differences are, we all share a common humanity.
The theme for 2022 is healing - Mainstream and refugee communities alike can draw upon shared hardship to heal wounds, to learn from each other and to move forward. Healing can occur through storytelling, through community and also through realisation of our intrinsic interconnectedness as indiviudals.
Year Four have diligently kept us updated on the collection of Mission Money each week. This term we have been collecting to help the Assist-A-Student program run by the St Vincent DePaul Society. I am very proud to say that we have raised enough money to sponsor about ten students. Thank you for your generosity. So far this year we have collected around $1000 for various appeals, including Caritas, St Vincent de Paul, Tonga Appeal and Flood Appeal.
Next term we will continue collecting money for the Marist Mission Centre.
The Marist Mission Centre is committed to promoting peace and challenging the causes of injustice and poverty by raising awareness and funds within the Australian community and by partnering overseas community groups in sustainable development projects. The Marist Mission Centre Australia is a special work of the Marist Fathers for the Province of Australia; the Priests and Brothers of the Society of Mary.
The Marist Mission Centre manages two charities: The Marist Fathers International Mission and The Australian Marist Centre for Overseas Aid.
Mary’s presence in the Early Church was dynamic. She was the first disciple of Jesus. She profoundly understood the mission of her Son. She listened deeply to the Holy Spirit.
The Marist Mission Centre is an expression of Mary in today’s Church, it brings people together in the establishment of God’s kingdom in our world.
Your generosity does not go unnoticed.
Have a wonderful week.
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Weekly Wondering….
I wonder what we can thank God for today?
Liturgies and Assemblies
Year 3B invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 24th June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 5 invite you to their Mass on Friday 24th June at 9am in the Star of the Sea Church.
In Our Prayers
We pray for all people that they will live in a way that respects the God given dignity of all people: May our hearts welcome God to make His home in each of us.
We pray for our families and all who travel or are on holidays: May their time be filled with relaxation and safe travel.
We pray for all who live with war and suffering: May the leaders of our world govern with wisdom and concern for all.
We pray that our world may come to respect and cherish the precious gift of life that we are given to share in.
From the APC
We have reached the midddle of the year which means our End of Semester Reports will be issued this week. Report cards will be accessible on Parent Lounge from Thursday morning. Below is a snapshot of the rating explanations for each year group. The headings on our Report Cards are “Overall Achievement”, and the criteria is based on a five-point scale.
For Prep the scale is:
AP – APPLYING The patterns of evidence across the reporting period typically demonstrate application of curriculum content and a thorough understanding of concepts, facts and procedures that can be applied in new situations. The patterns of evidence in the child’s folio reflect a high level of application of skills that can be transferred to new situations. |
MC – MAKING CONNECTIONS The patterns of evidence across the reporting period typically demonstrate an informed connection to curriculum content and a thorough understanding of concepts, facts and procedures. The patterns of evidence in the child’s folio reflect a high level of application of skills in familiar situations with beginning transference to new situations. |
WW – WORKING WITH The patterns of evidence across the reporting period typically demonstrate working with curriculum content and an understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The patterns of evidence in the child’s folio reflect an application of skills in familiar situations. |
EX – EXPLORING The patterns of evidence across the reporting period typically demonstrate an exploration of curriculum content and an understanding of aspects of concepts, facts and procedures. The patterns of evidence in the child’s folio reflect a variable application of skills in familiar situations. |
BA – BECOMING AWARE The patterns of evidence across the reporting period typically demonstrate a beginning awareness of curriculum content and a basic understanding of obvious concepts, facts and procedures. The patterns of evidence in the child’s folio reflect a beginning application of skills in familiar situations. |
For Years 1 -2 the scale is:
OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Based on expectations for Year Level | |
Very High - The student consistently demonstrates a very high level of knowledge, skills and understanding and is able to apply them. | |
High - The student consistently demonstrates a high level of knowledge, skills and understanding and is able to apply them. | |
Sound - The student consistently demonstrates a sound level of knowledge, skills and understanding and is able to apply them. | |
Developing - The student is developing knowledge, skills and understanding and is able to apply them, with support. | |
Support Required - The student requires significant support to develop knowledge, skills and understanding. |
For Years 3 – 7 the scale is:
OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Based on expectations for Year Level | |
A - Evidence of student learning typically demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes. | |
B - Evidence of student learning typically demonstrates a high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes. | |
C - Evidence of student learning typically demonstrates a sound level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes. | |
D - Evidence of student learning typically demonstrates a limited level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes. | |
E - Evidence of student learning typically demonstrates a very limited level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes. |
All report cards also have provision for an M, being for students on a modified program or an NA, if the child has not been present for necessary assessment. If you have any queries regarding report cards, please talk to the classroom teacher.
Also, at the end of the semester, upon request the school will provide you with written information that clearly shows your child’s achievement in the subjects studied in comparison to that of other children in the child’s peer group at the school. This information will show you the number of students in each of the achievement levels A-E. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss this with you.
See you all back ready to go for Term 3 in a couple of weeks.
Anthony King
Assistant Principal: Curriculum
Star of the Sea Caulfield Event
Our Caulfield Event is an important part of our school year, being our one major fundraiser for the year. It is run by a sub-committee of our Parents & Friends group and raises significant funds for the year as well as providing a great day out and a wonderful showcase of our school. There are lots of different ways that you can help in the lead up to the day and on the day itself. If you are interested in helping in any way, please email sosg@rok.catholic.edu.au
Physics in Flight Competition at Chanel
Our Year 6 students recently competed in the annual Physics in Flight Paper Plane Competition at Chanel College. It was a great day out competing against Primary and Secondary Schools from across Gladstone. The team worked hard achieving fourth place overall and first place for their awesome 'Top Gun' costumes. Our thanks to everyone involved, especially Chanel College and the event sponsors, QMEA.
Year 1B Liturgy
Our Year 1B Class recently led us in a beautiful liturgy reminding us of the wonderful helper we have in the Holy Spirit. We gathered in our outdoor prayer space and it was great to have our families and Year 6 buddies join us also.
For the safety of our school community we ask that you familiarise yourself with the following procedures please.
Community Notices
PREP 2023
Children born between 1st July 2017 and 30th June 2018 are eligible to commence Prep in 2023. If you have a child eligible for Prep in 2023 please visit the school website and complete the Online Application Form.
All current families with a child eligible to commence Prep 2023 are required to complete and online application form.
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
Please note the Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday from 8.30am to 10.30am. With the cooler weather approaching, a reminder to families that school jumpers are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop @ $33.50. Orders can be placed online via our school website http://www.staroftheseagladstone.qld.edu.au/about-us/uniform.html
Notification of Positive Covid Cases
Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School wishes to advise you that, during the past week, we have been notified of positive cases of COVID-19 in our school community.
Star of the Sea regularly consults with the Catholic Education Office and relevant authorities and continues to follow the advice of Queensland Health regarding cleaning requirements.
Queensland Health has advised that no quarantine of students or staff is required as a result of school based contact.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms:
• Keep your child/children at home
• Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended and notify the school of positive results.
• Follow the advice of Queensland Health
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
• maintain good hand hygiene at all times
• cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately.
• practice social distancing from others where possible
• wear masks when required
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher. (Please cc to SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.