2022 Week 8 Newsletter - Term 2
Weekly Focus
From the Principal
From Our APRE
Liturgies and Assemblies
In Our Prayers
From the APC
Senior Field Events
Strengthening Fathers and Sons Event
2022 Gladstone Independent Schools Music Association - GISMA
PREP 2023
Bicycle and Scooter Parking Survey
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
Student Absentee Line
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus
Each week we provide you with a short video supplying our key messages for the week. We encourage you to click on the link below and see the creation of our amazing new art piece.
From the Principal
Dear Families
I love seeing the world through other people’s eyes. Very often it reveals some wisdom or beauty that I have not considered. This was my experience when we commissioned local artist and Byellee woman, Patricia Coleman, to create an artwork of Mary Star of the Sea. It was such a gift to see how she interpreted the original image and story we had shared with her. I encourage you to watch the video link at the start of this newsletter and see the journey of love and commitment that Patricia gave to this beautiful art piece. Thank you Patricia!
‘Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.’
- Eckhart Tolle
There was once a boy from a wealthy family whose father took him on a trip to show him how poor people lived. They stayed with a poor family on their farm and when they left, the father asked the son if he enjoyed himself.
“Oh yes!” said the boy.
“And did you notice how they lived compared to us?” asked the father?
“Of course, Dad” said the boy.
“And what did you learn?” asked the father.
“Well, we only have one dog, but they have four. We have a pool in the backyard, but they live next to an endless river. We have large streetlamps, and bright lights, but they block out the stars the other family enjoys every night. We have a fenced in yard, but they have acres and acres of fields. We buy food, but they grow it. Our fences are there to separate and protect us from the people around us, but they have friends who protect them.”
The father was stunned.
The boy thought for a moment more, and then added: “Thank you Dad, for not being afraid to show me how rich we could be”.
I spoke last week about the importance of teaching our children how to bounce back from disappointment and difficulties. Practising Gratitude, along with Mindfulness and Empathy, is a powerful way of building this skill. Gratitude is not a virtue that necessarily comes easily so our children need our help. If we can teach them to view the world with an asset worldview rather than a deficit view then they will have something to build on when things go wrong.
The Resilience Project has done some great work in this area. They explain that:
“When you pay attention to all the wonderful things in your life, rather than focusing on the things you want or don’t have, your brain does something awesome — it makes you feel better about yourself and the world… Practicing gratitude helps you to feel more energetic and excited about the future. You may notice that you can concentrate better at school or feel more determined to play your best in sport. It can even help you have a better sleep and not get sick as often!”
The Resilience Project have some awesome activities for children, teens and adults on their website which I strongly encourage you to look at:
I am especially grateful this week for those who helped make our Athletics events such a great success. A special thank you to Cat, Vicki and their team who did such a great job of putting it all together.
God bless you and Live Jesus in Your Hearts Forever!
Jennett Mullane
2022 School Goals
From Our APRE
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
by the light of the Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit
help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
The English translation of the Prayer to the Holy Spirit from A Book of Prayers © 1982, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserved.
Last weekend we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit is sent to the Apostles and the Church. Father Ashwin began the Mass by wishing us all a Happy Birthday – I had never really thought of it as the Church’s birthday before.
This feast reminds us of the connection between the gifts of peace and forgiveness and the action of the Holy Spirit. Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of peace. Jesus then asks his disciples to continue the work that he has begun, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” As he breathes the Holy Spirit upon them, Jesus sends his disciples to continue his work of reconciliation through the forgiveness of sins.
The Gospel reminds us that the Church is called to be a reconciling presence in the world. This reconciling presence is also to be a way of life for Christians. In situations of conflict, we are to be agents of peace and harmony among people. There is no better time than NOW to start this mission.
Be an agent of peace and harmony.
Have a wonderful week.
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Weekly Wondering….
I wonder who is filled with the Spirit?
Liturgies and Assemblies
Year 5B invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 10th June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 1 invite you to their Assembly on Friday 17th June at 8.35am in the courts area at school.
Year 3B invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 24th June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 5 invite you to their Mass on Friday 24th June at 9am in the Star of the Sea Church. (Please note this date has changed from the original.)
In Our Prayers
We pray for all people that they will live in a way that notices the many gifts in our life: May our hearts be grateful and strong as we experience challenges and disappointment.
We pray for our students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation: May their hearts be always open to the promptings of the Spirit.
We pray for all who live with war and suffering: May the leaders of our world govern with wisdom and concern for all.
We pray that our world may come to respect and cherish the precious gift of life that we are given to share in.
From the APC
Oral language development for young children is critical, and research shows that some parents and carers can become overwhelmed or confused by the messages they receive. A group of Queensland speech pathologists have joined together to increase communication outcomes of all children, and they have developed an initiative to share key messages about early language and literacy development. It is called Read and Talk to Learn -RATTL. RATTL aims to keep the messages simple, accurate and evidence based.
The academics involved are from Griffith University, Australian Catholic University, and University of Queensland; and the initiative has the support of the Queensland Government. Part of this project has been to create a Facebook page which is a space to access information, tips and strategies to help children’s early literacy and language.
If you have a child under 5, here is the link to the site that has many ideas and resources for you to learn about how you can help develop your child's language and literacy skills in the early years.
Have a good week everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant: Principal Curriculum
For the safety of our school community we ask that you familiarise yourself with the following procedures please.
Senior Field Events
Strengthening Fathers and Sons Event
Our thanks to St Francis Primary School who have invited us to be a part of their 'Strengthening Fathers and Sons' Project. The aim of the project is to recognise and support our Dads in the important role they play in the lives of their sons. The game at Star of the Sea will be played on the top Courts area.
2022 Gladstone Independent Schools Music Association - GISMA
GISMA is proud to present the 2022 Annual GISMA Music Workshops. This is a great opportunity for music students of all abilities to come together with students from other independent schools.
The workshops provide an opportunity for all students to work with experienced tutors and a guest conductor. The students recieve intensive music tuition from local and visiting tutors, coming together to work with the conductor.
The workshop will be held from 20th to 23 June 2022. Mrs Mallett has provided Instrumental Music students with a GISMA registration form - the forms were distributed to the children following their music lesson today.
PREP 2023
Children born between 1st July 2017 and 30th June 2018 are eligible to commence Prep in 2023. If you have a child eligible for Prep in 2023 please visit the school website and complete the Online Application Form.
All current families with a child eligible to commence Prep 2023 are required to complete and online application form.
Bicycle and Scooter Parking Survey
Dear Parents/carers and staff
In partnership with Arup and Zwart Transport Planning, the Department of Transport and Main Roads is gathering insights from parents/ carers and staff about bicycle and scooter parking at schools across Queensland. The Queensland Department of Education and Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton has granted permission for schools to be involved in the research.
If you would like to contribute your experiences and assist in improving bicycle/scooter parking at schools, we invite you to complete the following online survey by Friday, 24 June 2022.
Bicycle and scooter parking at schools survey
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
Please note the Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday from 8.30am to 10.30am. With the cooler weather approaching, a reminder to families that school jumpers are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop @ $33.50. Orders can be placed online via our school website http://www.staroftheseagladstone.qld.edu.au/about-us/uniform.html
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher. (Please cc to SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.