2022 Week 7 Newsletter - Term 2
Weekly Focus
From the Principal
From Our APRE
Prayer for Reconciliation
Liturgies and Assemblies
In Our Prayers
A Concert with Andrew Chinn
From the APC
Semester One Reporting
Junior Jumps
Strengthening Fathers and Sons Event
Book Club News Issue #4
2022 Gladstone Independent Schools Music Association - GISMA
Bicycle and Scooter Parking Survey
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
PREP 2023
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Student Absentee Line
Notification of Positive Covid Cases
Student of the Week Award
Thank you to our Caulfield Sponsors
Weekly Focus
Each week we provide you with a short video supplying our key messages for the week.
This week we look at the hand model of the brain as a way to teach emotional regulation to our children.
From the Principal
Dear Families
Please ensure you review the instructions in this newsletter for using our Drop Off /Pick Up area. At present we have people putting our children at risk with their actions, including driving the wrong way and using the incorrect entries /exits. In particular, we ask you to never leave your car when in the drop off/pick up lane. If you want to give your children a hug or help them in and out of the car you must park in the provided car parks please.
‘Who would I be if God felt ‘at home’ with me?’
- Sr Kim Harris
As we continue through Reconciliation Week I find myself reflecting on the great gift our indigenous people are to us and how much we have to learn, especially their deep connection to country, their sense of belonging and respect for family. These concepts of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ are important for all of us and are celebrated also as the Church celebrates 'Laudate Si' Week. In the Gospel readings recently we have heard Jesus talk of ‘home’ and ‘connection’. We hear Jesus say that God desires to make His home in us which gives us a new way of looking at our sense of self and our connection to others.
What sort of person would I be if God felt ‘at home’ with me? What would my relationships with others be like if God made his home in us and in all those we interact with? The answer to that question would be unique to each of us. I would hope that it would see us being more accepting of who God has made us to be and more accepting of others also.
As parents we get to model for our children how to be ‘at home’ with ourselves, and show them what they need to grow into their best selves. You can also model respectful relationships that acknowledge the dignity of others. Talk them through your frustrations with yourself and others and model how to think in kind and forgiving ways that maintain healthy relationships.
It has been a really tough year and I think we are seeing the effects of that across so many different elements of society. We are having to work extremely hard at the moment to encourage the children to show manners and to listen and answer respectfully. Bouncing back from life’s difficulties is another area that they are really struggling with and their responses to disappointment are not always appropriate.
We would appreciate you working with us to reinforce what we are asking for with behaviour so that the children feel a secure connection between home and school. In particular please encourage them to:
- Listen attentively and respectfully (not interrupting)
- Speak kindly
- Keep calm when disappointment happens.
My weekly video explains the hand model of the brain that we use to help explain to the children ways they can regulate their emotions.
God bless you and Live Jesus in Your Hearts Forever!
Jennett Mullane
2022 School Goals
From Our APRE
So much going on this week! Athletics is always a busy time of the year. From one who is not athletically minded at all, this is the time of the year when I step out of my comfort zone and get into the spirit as best I can. Some do say I am very competitive though – so GO MARSDEN!!! Good luck to all athletes taking part. I talked to students recently about being a good sport so we will see if everyone can put it into practice now.
On Sunday we listened to the story of the Ascension of the Lord. We know that the Holy Spirit lives inside each of us, filling us with light, helping us to know God, and guiding us in how to live and what to say. Even though we can no longer see Jesus, we know that we are never alone.
Congratulations to the following students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They took part recently in a formation session where they got to know the difference between the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Kirra Hammond
Serafina Jinto
Mackenzie Johnson
Ellie Lamberton
Nethuli Peiris
Adora Selbin
Logan Smyth
Amarni Thetford
Summer Whelan
I pray that they can use the gifts of the Spirit to help them bear fruit in the future.
Stay brave and make a change.
Have a wonderful week.
Kellie Richardson
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Weekly Wondering….
I wonder how you know that Jesus is with you?
Prayer for Reconciliation
Loving God,
Who created all people in your image,
Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.
You gave us your only Son, Jesus, to teach us how to love and forgive.
We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced.
We are sorry and ask Your forgiveness.
Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless and inflicted and heal their spirits.
In your mercy and compassion walk with us as we continue our journey of healing to create a future that is just and equitable.
Lord, you are our hope.
In the spirit of Reconciliation Week, we make these prayers in your name,
©National and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission (www.ncca.org.au/natsiec)
Liturgies and Assemblies
Year 5A invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 3rd June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 5B invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 10th June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 1 invite you to their Assembly on Friday 17th June at 8.35am in the courts area at school.
Year 3B invite you to their MJR Assembly on Friday 24th June at 8:35am in the courts area at school.
Year 5 invite you to their Mass on Friday 24th June at 9am in the Star of the Sea Church. (Please note this date has changed from the original.)
In Our Prayers
We pray for all people that they will live in a way that respects the God given dignity of all people: May our hearts welcome God to make His home in each of us.
We pray for our students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation: May their hearts be always open to the promptings of the Spirit.
We pray for all who live with war and suffering: May the leaders of our world govern with wisdom and concern for all.
We pray that our world may come to respect and cherish the precious gift of life that we are given to share in.
A Concert with Andrew Chinn
From the APC
The Gladstone Entertainment Centre has a School Holiday Program Production called Alphabet of Awesome Science at 10am on Wednesday the 29 June.
This show has professors Lexi Con – the word nerd and Noel Edge - the Science Freak performing a thrilling, multi award-winning voyage through the alphabet – where great big chewy sesquipedalian words inspire mind-blowing scientific surprises.
In order to encourage our local students to the theatre during the school holidays, the Entertainment Centre has created a unique link for you to buy tickets for yourself and your children. This link registers your payment and then rewards our school with $2.00 from every ticket. They are encouraging you all to get your kids off the computers or ipads and out of the house for a morning with a difference. We will use the money raised from this production for classroom resources, particularly in the areas of Science and English.
If you decide to go to the theatre, please use this link when registering.
Have a good week everyone.
Anthony King
Assistant: Principal Curriculum
Semester One Reporting
For the safety of our school community we ask that you familiarise yourself with the following procedures please.
Junior Jumps
So much fun was had as our Prep to Year 3 students participated in their modified filed events. As usual, the Prep races were the highlight of the day. A huge thank you to Mrs Little, Mrs Melrose, Mrs Blake and all the staff and parents who helped make it such a great morning.
Strengthening Fathers and Sons Event
Our thanks to St Francis Primary School who have invited us to be a part of their 'Strengthening Fathers and Sons' Project. The aim of the project is to recognise and support our Dads in the important role they play in the lives of their sons. The game at Star of the Sea will be played on the top Courts area.
Book Club News Issue #4
We are currently accepting orders for Scholastic Book Club Issue #4. Orders are to be placed via LOOP: www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP
Please see ‘How to Pay’ inside the back cover of the brochure for instructions. Ordering will close on the evening of Thursday 2nd June.
Please note that there will be no Book Club offered in Term 3, due to the Book Fair.
2022 Gladstone Independent Schools Music Association - GISMA
GISMA is proud to present the 2022 Annual GISMA Music Workshops. This is a great opportunity for music students of all abilities to come together with students from other independent schools.
The workshops provide an opportunity for all students to work with experienced tutors and a guest conductor. The students recieve intensive music tuition from local and visiting tutors, coming together to work with the conductor.
The workshop will be held from 20th to 23 June 2022. Mrs Mallett has provided Instrumental Music students with a GISMA registration form - the forms were distributed to the children following their music lesson today.
Bicycle and Scooter Parking Survey
Dear Parents/carers and staff
In partnership with Arup and Zwart Transport Planning, the Department of Transport and Main Roads is gathering insights from parents/ carers and staff about bicycle and scooter parking at schools across Queensland. The Queensland Department of Education and Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton has granted permission for schools to be involved in the research.
If you would like to contribute your experiences and assist in improving bicycle/scooter parking at schools, we invite you to complete the following online survey by Friday, 24 June 2022.
Bicycle and scooter parking at schools survey
Uniform Shop News - Cooler Weather
Please note the Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday from 8.30am to 10.30am. With the cooler weather approaching, a reminder to families that school jumpers are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop @ $33.50. Orders can be placed online via our school website http://www.staroftheseagladstone.qld.edu.au/about-us/uniform.html
PREP 2023
Children born between 1st July 2017 and 30th June 2018 are eligible to commence Prep in 2023. If you have a child eligible for Prep in 2023 please visit the school website and complete the Online Application Form.
All current families with a child eligible to commence Prep 2023 are required to complete and online application form.
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Student Absentee Line
If your child is not attending school, you can call us, 24/7, to leave a message to report the absence. The phone number is 4994 8301.
As always, absences can be reported using Parent Lounge or by emailing your child’s teacher. (Please cc to SOSG_Absentee@rok.catholic.edu.au).
This designated phone line gives you the opportunity to call the school at a time that is convenient to you.
Notification of Positive Covid Cases
Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School wishes to advise you that, during the past week, we have been notified of positive cases of COVID-19 in our school community.
Star of the Sea regularly consults with the Catholic Education Office and relevant authorities and continues to follow the advice of Queensland Health regarding cleaning requirements.
Queensland Health has advised that no quarantine of students or staff is required as a result of school based contact.
As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms:
• Keep your child/children at home
• Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended and notify the school of positive results.
• Follow the advice of Queensland Health
As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:
• maintain good hand hygiene at all times
• cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately.
• practice social distancing from others where possible
• wear masks when required
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.